Articles on: Sell My Device

How does the selling process work?

We’ve made our selling process straightforward and simple:

Click Start Selling on our homepage or click on “Sell” on the top menu from any page then select the device you’d like to sell.
Once you have found your device you will be prompted to answer a few questions and will be given an instant quote.
Tell us how you want to be paid (by PayPal or check) and if you need a box and packaging materials.
Click place order and you will receive an Order # and confirmation email.
Once your order is placed you will be sent a shipping label and instructions via email explaining how to prepare & ship your device. With SmartphonesPLUS shipping is always free!
Once we receive the device we’ll inspect it to be sure it is the correct model, condition, etc. that was quoted. If it is not, we will send a revised offer which you can accept or decline. If you decline a revised offer we ship it back for free!
If everything checks out, we’ll send your cash the same day the order is processed!

If you are selling your device in-store we will inspect your device on the spot and pay out cash or store credit.

Updated on: 01/12/2021

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